Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Monday!

Yep, it's Monday! Does the picture scare you? It shouldn't, really. It's just one of the many 'Forest Faces' that greet us every day in our little wooded world! This guy has seen a few blasting winters, and is showing his upset at what those storms have left behind for us to clean up this spring!

I took 2 of the corgi girls out for a walk this morning - it's cold out, but nothing a sweatshirt and a hooded jean jacket could not ward off. In this morning's posting, have a look at some of the photos I took while out on our little walkie.

There is sunshine, but everything was coated with a layer of frost. The snow is not completely gone from our yard and from the roadways in the country. At first glance, everything not covered in the 'dirty white blanket' looks brown and dead. But I did discover some green springing up. If you click on the pictures here, you can see them better, and the moss has started to sprout little arms that reach towards the sunlight! It is always amazing to me what effect some warm sunshine will have to what we perceive as a dead zone. As the girls and I get nearer to the road, we can see our wetlands over the top of a little hill. The ice on top of it looks like the icy glaze that my mom used to put on sugar cookies when we would decorate them at Christmas time! In a week or so this icing will be gone, so I'm glad to have a snapshot of it now! As you can see from this shot, it's melting around the edges, and it won't be long before spring peepers and turtles will be making their appearance!
This is the view across the road from our place. The elderly gentleman who owns this 40 acres told us to feel free to go for a walk on his property any time! If you look way back behind the clearning, the trees line a wooded path which leads to his creek, which is dotted with big rocks, and the path winds back around to this field once again. There will soon be violets and cowslips and skunk cabbage sprouting up - it is a delight to behold!
The girls are pretty good at waiting while I take pictures! I think they were glad for the break, as there is no squabbling!
Time to head back up our lane! Here's the Teenage Tree not far from the road! It was hidden when we first bought the property, but when the power line areas were cleared, tall brush that might interfere with the lines was removed, and this is what we discovered! Years ago, it must have been a meeting place for a teenager's club of some sort - this is the only reminder of those days.
Well, there's our home! We have a long lane to walk yet, so we'll leave you here for now! Hope you enjoyed the morning jaunt! Please leave comments - I love to read them! Thanks for visiting!


Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

All I can say is you live in your own little paridase (misp) I enjoyed my walk with you and the teen tree is so interesting.

Angela said...

I'm sure your girls enjoyed their walk. My girls absolutely love being outside which is one reason they are outside doggies. I can't wait to go for a good walk around and through our land. It has been way tooo windy for a walk in the woods the past few days since it got warm enough to do it.
I can't wait for Spring to arrive. It is showing signs. Daffidolds are in bloom, 1st butterfly in the yard, Spring Robins arrived, yellow birds are turning yellow, not much longer!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Heaven on earth...doggie paradise!
Oh really do have a lovely spot to call your own!

Malisa said...

I want to know more about your Forest Faces! How about a post on their origin, etc?


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

You sure do have a pretty setting!