Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Monday - "Drum Roll, Please...."

Thanks to all who have participated in my little drawing - this has been so much fun for me, and I look forward to mailing out the package!!! And now, the moment we have all been waiting for - the first name drawn out of the hat ....and the winner IS ....Sabrina Horton and "Luna"!

This is only official when Sabrina contacts me via email on or before Wednesday, sending me her mailing address so I know where to ship Luna's prize! My email address is in my profile section, so please use that to preserve private contact information. I won't be posting mailing addresses or things like that in a public area, rest assured! Sabrina's blog is called Three Commies and a Corgi, and if you are not a follower of her blog, please go check it out to find out who the Commies are!

Sabrina, I'll be watching for your message - please contact me soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Sabrina...Ann

Sabrina Horton said...

Thank you! We're very excited!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Congrats to Sabrina!!!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Hooray for the doggie toy winner!

What a sweet giveaway!