Sunday morning, I was just about ready to head out with Mr. Wonderful for the day. We were going to a Church fundraiser Chicken Dinner in Fremont Michigan, held every year about this time. It was a special occasion because we were going to meet up with Mr. Wonderful's sister and her hubby - and they are just as wonderful as MR. WONDERFUL is! We were looking forward to a great time, great dinner, and a relaxing day.
Mr. Wonderful peeked around the corner at me while I was brushing my hair, and said "...Honey, I hate to tell you this, but...your GIRLS are missing!" OH NO! I rushed outside, and he was absolutely right - not a chicken in SIGHT! I panicked, called for them looked everywhere, went to the neighbors through the woods to see if they had spotted my 5 hens - no dice. I came back, and looked again. No sign of a struggle, not a drop of blood - nothing. Could a dog have carried them off? A preditor Possum or a rascal Raccoon? My heart sank. It truly ruined what should have been a "Golden Day".

We drove up the lane through the woods to our cabin. I sadly looked at the little potting shed, and I thought I saw LIZZY - but no - it COULD NOT be - they were gone for good - - -
Oh my gosh I was feeling so blue for you. Now I feel so much better. I know what it feels like to lose something you love. . .
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.
Love it when sad stories have the happiest of endings. So happy for you that your girls found their way home.
I like the way you tell a story! I like your retro signs on yesterday's post too.
Happy Blue Monday!
Hello! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Love your hens!!
Happy Blue Monday,
oh, how sad, but a happy ending!!
Have a great day.
Barbara Jean
I'm so glad that it is NOT a Blue Monday for you!!!! I can only imagine how your day was thinking about your girls. I'm so glad that they came home! Wonder where they went off to?
I am so glad the story had a happy ending. :)
What a story...I'm so relieved everything worked out!
I was sad until I read the ending. I'm glad your girls are safe.
Well..., that's a bunch of hens for you. Leave, have a good time visiting, gossiping and playing around. Bet they never even thought about how worried you were.
Bad ladies on the loose...,
They need to produce a few extra eggs for you this week.
Those naughty girls! At least they had sense to come back after their gallivanting all over creation!
Glad for the happy ending!
Oh my gosh I was sitting on the edge of my chair reading this and
hoping for a miracle and I got one :)
Thank you for sharing today.
I am so glad it is a Happily Ever After Blue Monday !
Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Blessings to you and your MR.Wonderful
Happy Trails
Good evening, I was really feeling sad until I read the end of your story...I am so happy that the "girls" came back home..
We once had a Welsh Corgi named "lady".. she was a very sweet dog and close to my husband..Thanks for your visit to my place today.
Hugs, Baba
I'm so glad those naughty girls found their way back to where they belong. Love the different colors and patterns of their feathers...
Can hens get a wild hair?
Oh...the stories they could tell if only their beaks allowed them to.
So glad your tale of woe had a happy ending.
Aaawww what a story. Seems like you really had a "blue" day. Feeling blue and eating and drinking blue :-) Oh but a happy ending you have. It's always nice to have a happy ending. Thus . . .
Happy Blue Monday!
That is the cutest story. We all get attached to things even little chicks. Glad you went on had a good time. Most of the time, things will turn out okay if we have faith. I am glad you felt like stopping by my place.
OMG, I would be devastated too. I wonder where they went. They are so pretty. We had chickens on our farm when we were young. I was born in Lapeer, MI. We once caught a bunch of tadpoles and dumped them in the chicken watering trough for safe keeping. The next day they were all gone. Our chickens ate them. LOL. Life was so much fun then. I am so happy your babies were ok.
LUV it...OUR girls wander around to the neighbors and back all day..then, like clock work they are back in their coop at dusk!
I LUV them all, especially Chole, we've had her the longest! I would be lost without them! :)
Now you've totally won me over forever. You're an animal lover, and you love your "girls" like I love my menagerie of fur babies. I am so glad they "came home to roost" if you will. All is okay and this story had a happy ending! Your sweet girls are good looking chicks!
What a Blue day you had! I love blueberry pie, and I could smell the blueberry candles forever that I sell in my store. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
So glad you've got all your "chicks" in a row? Hmmm...do you think they went out thriftin? Or to a garage sale? Or perhaps they went to the "big city" as they have heard about the...sigh...clownless circus...
I know I am such a silly girl! But aren't you glad I'm back...AND being very good today at Penniwigs!
LOTS of GOOD blues and only a short time of bad ones... They must have been out pecking their "wild oats." So glad for the happy ending!
I'm so glad you found your girls ♥ I really enjoyed reading your post and so happy you had a happy ending to your stressed day.
I so understand having lost little ones. What a happy ending!
I just LOVE a happy ending, don't you?
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