Seems the general consensus is that $4 is NOT unreasonable - some thought $5 or even $6 for a final price would not be too much to put on the sticker. Using organic food items justifies the price, I believe. If it were made from ordinary cheap-o Food Club brand flours & sugars, rejected Gerber 'nannas, Spartan brand margarine, and then - powered by "Battery Chicken" eggs, perhaps the cost could go for a mere dollar-fifty per loaf.
Now, any ideas for a NAME that might be used for these baked goods? Amazingly Amish-like is rather long....and if I called it Amish baked goods, (a little light-hearted humor here) the Amish might WHOOP me - I'm a feared of them, as they have FLAILS shaped like WOODEN SPOONS!!! GOOD GOSH! (makes me shiver just thinkin about it!) I like the idea of the horse and buggy insignia, but the Amish have that pretty much on everything they sell!
If you have any ideas at all for me, fire away, please - I'm always ready to listen and learn from others' experiences! Thanks for your assistance thus far!
Sorrry girl,i'm drawing a blank.i'll bet someone will come up with a good one for you.but for all that work
$6.00 seems very fair to me...Anniepoo
Maybe you could name it something relating to your blog and the Corgis. It would be real original. And who's going to forget bread that features Corgis? I like what you have at the top of your blog with the Corgis. Maybe use that and something like "From Corgi With Love?" It's early and I'm just getting a few blogs read before I hop over to the dentist. I'll think some more. Hey, you could always come up with a picture of a "Corgi-drawn buggy" with loaves of bread! I may be bordering on silly, but then, all the brand names that usually stick out in my mind are ones that are really different.
Another thought: or just "Expressly Corgi Bread."
I love all breads, especially what the Amish bake. They are such wonderful cooks. Since I do not bake much anymore, I will the baking of the Quick Bread to you.
I love the idea of a corgi-drawn buggy, lol! That would be too cute! As for a name, hmmm.....ClassyChassys amish style bread, organically Amish, Amish style organic breads???? I'm not real good with names:)
I have to give the name some thought. I think your selling them is fabulous idea!
I think that the use of the word Amish" is too limiting unless you are Amish. I think that something like "Corgibread" or "The Corgi Company" would be good. You don't want anything too long.
If you are going to have a business for a long time what would you call it? How would it look on business cards, brochures and boxes. What sounds like you?...
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