Sophomore year promised adventures, and one of them was Biology class. I've always loved science, and the classroom was full of models of skeletons, vertebrae, various animals in aquariums or cages - it was a wonderful world for me when I entered that room! One day the teacher announced that we would have to go catch a frog for dissection. Each student would be responsible to bring in their own frog by a certain date. The frogs would be placed in a large tank and treated with "something" so they would feel no pain, but would be alive while we dissected them. The purpose was so we could observe the frog's heart beating. I was HORRIFIED! How could a teacher demand us to do something so cruel!!! But, it was an assignment, and I didn't want to fail, so I went looking for a frog. I finally found one.

One day, Frigg looked rather pale. Yep, green frogs CAN get pale! I knew he was not feeling well, and there was one week to "D-Day" to get him healthy again. I removed him from the can and put him into a larger plastic bin with sand and mud and a little "pond", each was a separate area. He got extra treats, and even fresh vegetation to snooze in if he liked.

You might wonder what happened when I arrived at class, "frog-less" - Well, the teacher said "For those of you who failed to bring in a frog, you must sit in with another student who has brought in their frog, and thereby observe the beating heart...." I didn't get out of OBSERVING, but I did succeed in the capture, curing, and releasing of Frigg the Frog! RIBBIT!
Loved your frog story. Check out my post for this Tuesday. Thanks for visiting.
Good for you! Good for Frigg!
Cindy at Lakewood
You're a natural, one of a kind! Frigg sure was a lucky froggy that you let him go!
Thanks for sharing another wonderful animal story this week! You sure do have some good ones!
Tuesdays' Show & Tail!
Frigg was a good ol' frog~
green as can be.
He was lucky to go home with
a gal who is friends with me!
he hee...frog humor~great tale~
Way to go! Standing up for your rights and Frigg's. I didn't think you'd do it!
This is sooo cute!!
Love it.
Thanks for popping over for a visit now and again.
So appreciate seeing your smiling 'face'. =0))
barbara jean
Oh oh oh oh oh - dissecting it while it was still alive?? Well, wait a minute, I guess that's what real surgery is right? Sounds like maybe those frogs weren't going to get stitched up though and sent home with some Percocet! That seriously was a great story for S&T and way to go, taking care of Frigg! ♥
I couldn't have done it either! Good for you letting Frigg go. Have a great day!
A View of My Life
I wouldn't have done it either. I can't imagine cutting into a still living frog. I think we had to dissect in biology class, too, but they weren't alive!
GOOD FOR YOU! I regret every dissection I ever did and would never do one again, but I don't think I would have been able to do a live dissection. Oy, that is a great story, thanks for sharing!
I KNEW you wouldn't do it when I read that you had named him! You are right... never name an animal that you know has to be killed!
Your story was really great! I, too, loved Biology. It was my favorite subject because I planned to be a vet someday. We did a lot of dissections, but not any live ones. I even came in after school to work with my teacher who was taking some kind of advanced course that required dissections of a cat and a pig fetus. I was totally fascinated with the way God created the bodies of animals... Linda
Hated the smell of Formaldehyde though!
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