Monday, July 5, 2010

Tuesday's Show and Tail - Curly Cutie!

I'm joining in on Tuesday's Show & Tail at Angela's West Virginia's Treasures. If you have a cute story and picture of a pet, or any furry (or non-furry) friend, you are welcome to join in! Please check out the rules at her blog, and WELCOME!
They say a person learns something new every day. And every day I watch for my 'something new'! Here it is!
This is an Astrex rabbit - nearly extinct. It is a form of a Rex Rabbit, whose hair coat is so fine and short - the guard hairs are the same length as the undercoat... so very thick that it feels like velvet. Rexing is a genetic mutation. Astrex rabbits are covered with varying degrees of curly hair. Only the ears, tail, and feet have little to no curl. The rabbit shown here is considered an extremely curly coat. To find out more about this "rare-bit", click Here!

Have a Hip-Hoppy Day -


Angela said...

Now that is an interesting looking rabbit! At first I thought it was an old stuffed animal! The red eyes are just freaky.

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

ocmist said...

Well... you've shown me something new today, too! I'd never seen anything like this before or ever even heard of it. Reminds me of the story of the Velveteen Rabbit. Thanks for sharing! This is the third "first" comment I've left today! The others were on Khyra's and Lorenza's blogs.

Rose said...

just got time to stop and say Hi! it's a strange rabit. thanks for sharing have a good day.

The imPerfect Housewife said...

So how cool is that?? I can just picture how his coat feels - so soft! I'll take 2 please. :D Have a great Tuesday ~

Traveling with Maria said...

Wow!,what a cute non fury rabbit!

Chatty Crone said...

That did look a bit freaky - but very interesting - thanks for sharing this information.

And congrats on winning over at Angela's.


Katharine said...

Wow, I've learned something new today! Stummbled in here while browsing, you have a lovely place!
Blessings on your day!

Annesphamily said...

This looked like a statue at first! Wow! What an interesting animal. Thanks for sharing and congrats on your lucky win! Anne

Picket said...

Oh my word! lol I have never seen anything like that in all my born days and you won't believe what I thought it was at first glance....I thought it was a cake with really fluffy white icing!!! lol lol I know!!!! lol I must need a 'chocolate fix' sugar intake must be running low today! lol Oh and good luck with your 'Skeeter Holler' project...we had one of those at our old place and after just walking around that area for 5 minutes you could connect the dots!!!!! lol Thanks for coming by sweetie...hope you have a great week! ~Picket~