Friday, August 6, 2010

Fair Play

The plan for this evening is to transport our lovely hen house to the Newaygo County Fair. We were fortunate to be able to borrow a small trailer to move that heavy Chicken Palace - much easier than us 2 senior citizens lifting it onto the box of a pick-up truck (which incidentally has been outfitted with a lift kit by the previous owner!). We've delivered many chicken homes to our customers in that fashion, but upper body strength is something I lack, and as wonderful as Mr. Wonderful is - he just can't lift it that high by himself!
Yesterday I finished staining, and today will be adding finishing touches to the project. The girls have been watching and hoping that this new home will soon be theirs, but Mr. Wonderful refuses to lean that direction. His plan is to sell this display model! We advertise our structures unstained to save money for the general public, and also to encourage the entire family to complete the fun part - the painting and decorating! We imagine parents and their children getting away from their TV's and computers, using their creativity, working as a team to complete a project that can be uniquely theirs. What could be more fun?!?

Playin' it Fair -


^..^Corgidogmama said...

Wonderful idea, and it'll personalize the coop for their own girls, making it even more fun.

Here's hoping you sell a million of 'em!!!

Neabear said...

Now you be careful while you are moving that chicken house! Interesting project for you. And have fun at at the fair. We have not gone to fairs lately. Just kind of got out of the habit I guess. Used to go every year and I entered things in it too. Should go to the for where we live now....never have been. It is going on right now...but I don't think we are going to try to go. We do have plans for next Saturday to go to something we have never done. I will try to do a post on that.


Chatty Crone said...

I hope you have the most fabulous time at the fair and I hope you and hubby sell a million of them! Sandie

ocmist said...

You two have made some really awesome chicken palaces, and I hope that you win some great prizes and get a LOT of sales! That is really a good idea, too, to let the people finish the houses themselves if they want to, so that it can truly be a part of their home!

I haven't done anything so far for the fair and only have a couple more weeks to come up with an idea if I plan to enter any of the art classes. Entries are due in by the 20th, and the Fair itself it in September around here.

LADY JANE said...

What?????? I surely hope it is equipped with a lovely little worm box! Giggling...I hope you miss me too!

Good to be a Queen said...

Have a great time at the fair and I can't wait to see how y'all do..Wishing you tons of luck....P.S. Those girls really look like they want a new place to live...

Angela said...

I hope you are having a wonderful time at the fair today! I hope you get lots of orders for them also. Keep those Amish away from there! lol I think it would be fun to personalize the coop. I know my kids would love it. Hard to tell what my Little Man would want to do to it though! lol


Debba said...

I think that's wonderful! It's funny, I actually live in an area that's zoned for "farm animals", and in fact here roosters crowing most mornings when I head out with Stella for our first walk of the day. But I'm living in a rental and we're only allowed the more "conventional" pets. I'd love to see more of your chicken coops!

Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said...

The hen house looks great! It would be so much fun to decorate.

PS Thank you for visiting me at The Tiny Tudor!