Monday, August 2, 2010

Tuesdays' Show & Tail - Eggs in a Rainbow of Colors!

I'm joining in on Tuesday's Show & Tail at Angela's West Virginia's Treasures. If you have a cute story and picture of a pet, or any furry (or non-furry) friend, you are welcome to join in! Please check out the rules at her blog, and WELCOME!
Been so busy working on the Hen House for display at the County Fair, but still the daily chores must be done. This morning the girls needed housekeeping, and while I was "changing the sheets", I collected several eggs. Just look at the variety of color!
(Please note the Obligatory Corgi Photo in the collage above.)
I love the deep chocolate brown of the Cuckoo Marans eggs. Some of the customers adore the blue eggs, even saving them till last to enjoy the unusual color. One of my customers believes the blue eggs are oxygen deprived, and prefers the brown or tan eggs! Oxygen deprived??? NOT TRUE!

"Easter-egger" hens lay the blue, green, or pink eggs; each separate color is particular to one hen. They taste the same as all the other color eggs - no difference. And the brown eggs are not "color fast" until they've been exposed to air for an hour or two. Up until that point, the color can be wiped off! So fascinating, and there is much more to be learned!

Have a Rainbow Day -


Jane said...

Interesting story about eggs. I learn something new every time I visit your blog,


Rose said...

thanks for the info. re eggs. i never saw a blue egg. Rose

Love Of Quilts said...

With your hens you don't have to color Easter eggs and you get pretty eggs to eat two....can't beat mother has rasied chickens over the years that have colored eggs. Trish

Annesphamily said...

I am learning new fun facts about eggs! You are brave hanging around the chickens. They have those sharp beaks and they make me run away! LOL!
You took some awesome photos. Thanks for sharing today. Anne

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't know that the egg color wasn't colorfast until it sets for a couple of hours.

And I didn't know that all eggs, no matter the color tastes the same - real surprising.


ocmist said...

I had heard that the green or bluish eggs had less cholesterol in them, but don't know if that's true or not. We had several hens that laid that kind of egg. Your hens are just so plump and beautiful. You can tell they are very well cared for and happy.

That was interesting about the brown ones. I can think of a few jokes that might be made about that... :)

Angela said...

I learned something new today! I didn't know that you could wipe the color off of the brown ones.
