Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesdays' Show & Tail - No Monster in the woods - or WAS There?!?

I'm linking in today with  West Virginia Treasures, hoping to inspire other animal lovers to post about their pets and creatures in nature - perhaps you have an interesting photograph to share with us?  Link in at Angela's blog, and join in the fun!
Trail Sign in the forest
Mr. Wonderful and I were away on a weekend mini-vacation paid for by his employer.  Every year they have an awards ceremony in honor of the workers who have been with the company for a number of years.  Last year they held it at a ski lodge and received so many compliments from everyone who attended, so they decided to have it at the same place once again.  We got continental breakfasts, and the awards banquet on Saturday night featured Rib Eye Steaks  and chicken breast - very tasty! 
Jewel-like Mushroom
Slippery Old Plants over mud and marsh areas
Camera at the ready...
Saturday during the day we were free to do whatever we wished, and Mr. Wonderful and I went 'exploring' at Grass River Conservation Area.  There were wildlife observation decks every so often, and wooden plant walk-ways to follow.  We stopped to rest and observe nature, hoping to see some neat animals amidst the vegetation...when SUDDENLY - out of NO WHERE - - -

 Yep - BIG FOOT!  Actually, we found this guy lurking in the Archery Section of a sporting goods store!  He was 9 ft. tall and was a target that could be purchased for only $875.00 - such a DEAL!!!

Hope you enjoyed my post for the day!


Verde Farm said...

Enjoyed your post! That thing in the sporting good store is scary! Amy at Verde Farm in Cabell County.

Love Of Quilts said...

Boy would I hate to run upon him in the woods...some one could buy him and plant him on they're land if they didn't want trespasser...on the other hand could cause a heart attack to. Trish

Angela said...

Hey Monica!

I'm so glad that you and Mr. Wonderful were able to get away for a mini vacation! Sounds like you had a great time.

I don't believe it! You seen Big Foot! That is so funny! That would really look good in the woods wouldn't it! lol

Thanks for sharing your trip with us this week!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

Jules said...

Wow! That's too funny...

Great pictures!

nanniepannie said...

Do they gift wrap???

Annesphamily said...

I knew Bit Foot was alive and well! LOL! Great shot! Anne

Janet, said...

Very funny, you had me going for a while. Looks like you had a nice little get away.

Rose said...

back blogging and blog reading. wow! don't you want big foot in your home. great photos. rose

ocmist said...

Sounds like you had a great time in a really interesting and beautiful place!

That thing WOULD be pretty scary if someone put it in a hidden part of the woods, or where someone would come upon it suddenly, but that other Grammy was right in that it might cause a heart attack! LOL