Monday, February 16, 2009

Push the EASY Button!

Every year for me has seemed to get busier, with more time consuming tasks, and less time to complete them in! Even though we have so many modern conveniences, and so many new inventions to take the difficulties out of portions of our lives, sometimes there are glitches in our daily tasks that aggravate us, or keep us from moving to the next phase in our day-planner.
Take morning pet chores, for instance. When I wake up in the morning, I hear moanings and groanings coming from the corgi crates! They KNOW it's time to go potty, and they KNOW that when they return they will get their breakfast meal! But, for some mysterious reason, when I have an appointment or be somewhere else right away, I will let them out for their corgi constitutional, and they will take off into the woods, deciding it is time to display their independance and not return readily when I call out to them! Frustrating!

After a few times of that, I figured out a plan: When I'm in a big hurry, I let the dogs out in 'teams'. I have the Red Team, and the Black Team. Yep, my dogs are color-coded! The Red Team has one dog who is a zoomer (Dixie, red sable), and one who likes to eat worse than she likes to explore (Prairie, red and white)! The same with the Black Team! Once I discovered this, I let them out, Black Team first, because one of the Black Team members (Sassy, brown headed tri) has a smaller bladder than the other one (Sissy, black headed tri). When they return, they go in their own crates to enjoy their meal, and the Red Team is then launched! They return to their crates, and I can be on my way in a timely fashion! It's great! And of course, each team member gets their meal floating in fresh water, to be sure they have fluids to last for the brief time I am gone. I don't want them to be dehydrated! The floating food has been a great idea for my older gramma dog, who has had a history of bladder infections. It also has the added benefit of slowing the quick eaters.

When I'm in no particular hurry, I don't mind that the corgi girls go exploring on their own in our woods for a little while. They all sport brass bells, so I know which direction they are zooming in. And, if they don't come when I call them right away, or if I don't hear their bell, I activate my Ace in the Hole - Nitro, the Aussie Shepherd. He has his own title: Corgi Search/Rescue Patrol Dog! Once he is released, he picks them up and returns them after he leads them on a mad merry chase around the wetlands and over the hills! But, he is for the days when I'm not in a hurry, as sometimes even HE has trouble bringing the strays home again!

Maybe what I've shared with you might give you new ideas of what you can do to simplify things in your single or multiple dog household. I hope so! I also have a quick and tasty snack recipe that might be useful for packing lunches for kids (or husbands!). So, here you go - Read Below!


1/2 cup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup light corn syrup, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. baking soda, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 3 qts. popped corn
(pre-heat oven to 350 deg.)

In 1 1/2 qt. saucepan, melt butter. Stir in brown sugar, corn syrup, and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously. Reduce heat to medium, stir continuously for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, adding vanilla and soda. Gradually pour over popped corn which has been placed on a buttered baking sheet with sides. Bake 30 minutes, stir after 15 minutes.

This is yummy good, and I found that I don't need to bake it for the entire 30 minutes - I have had great results after 15 minutes of baking, stirring halfway through the bake time. I even bet you could add peanuts or some other crunchy things to the popcorn before you drizzle on the melted ingredients! Try it - hope you like it!


^..^Corgidogmama said...

You're like the old woman who lived in a shoe, with so many doggies, she didn't know what to do!

My 92 year old mom loves caramel corn, and this will be a real treat for her! As she gets older, her sweet tooth grows, and grows!

When my 2 go out, they need to be toweled on their bellies, and their paws are filthy! I really, really hate that!

ClassyChassy said...

And do you have any great hints as to how you set up your combat zone?

^..^Corgidogmama said...

I love your new header!!!!! You're a natural at blogging, see?
Is that one of Penniwig's new tiles?
It just looks great on here.
By combat zone, are you asking where I wipe down the kids? Back porch.

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Oh my goodness I just love your plan on only have on little Chi-Chi or as she'd rather be know Princess she only wants to lay around all day when it's too hot or too cold. and in MS that's 90% of the time. No problem getting her back in, just open the door and she looks like a race horse headed for the finish line...
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments.

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Thanks for you reply to my post about my GrandD. She is deffiently an Animal lover she has 3 dogs a Rat Terrier, A Black Lab, (stray she drug home from of the road in front of their house) and a German Shepard. Plus a Nannie Goat named thinks it's a dog. She can be dressed ready to go to Church and if her Mom doesn't watch her she'll be out side rolling on the ground with them animals.
We have a friend that just opened a riding arrena and is going to give her riding lessions this summer.

Cathy Santarsiero, "The Christmas Corgi" said...

Great ideas! This recipe looks yummy. I may just make up a batch for my hubby's birthday :) !