Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let us give Thanks...

 Thanksgiving Day has been a mile-marker day for me this year.  Two years ago I was laid off from my job, and was wondering what in the world there was to be thankful about, as my final work day was the 21st of November.  It felt like the beginning of the end.  Those of you who know me realize all that has been going on here, and could see and read about what some of my time was spent doing.  A good portion of my time that you DIDN'T see was all of the job applications I sent out, the rejections or 'no replies' that I received, and the grand total of 9 interviews in 2 years that I was called out for, all of which I was experienced and could fulfill the job duties posted.  I was rejected for every last one of those 9 jobs full time jobs, but I applied for hundreds more each month anyways.  Finally on interview number 10, I was hired!  Thank you to those who prayed for and with me before each and every interview - at last I have a part time job with acceptable pay! 

I started October 4 in a small 2 girl office doing customer service work for a medical equipment supplier.  Something I've NEVER done before!  I was lost (and still am!) with some of the computer screens and terminology that the other CSR's use - it sounds foreign to me.  But slowly I'm getting the hang of it!  I like the girl I'm working with - she's almost as green as I am, but it's pleasant working with a like - minded individual.

A new job is not the only thing I'm thankful for.  These past 2 years have me grateful for Mr. Wonderful and his patience with my moods, grateful for my new bloggy friends, grateful for my hens, the egg sales, the hen house sales, the Corgi Note Card Sales, and the little things that helped keep our household functioning.  Both my boys and their families were visiting with us last weekend, and we had a super great time - simply amazing to me to watch the grand kids play together!  They change so much each time I see them, I wish we lived closer, to be able to see them more often, but I'm thankful we are able to see them when we do. 

God has been so good to us, even when I wondered what I could possibly be thankful for way back those 2 years ago....but I always knew I'd be able to see the blessings once I was able to look back from where I am now, and appreciate it fully.  Faith is a marvelous thing.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Angela said...

I'm so thankful that you found a job too Monica! I know how hard it has been on you, but finally the doors opened to the job you were meant to have.

You are truly a blessed woman with Mr. Wonderful by your side!

Glad you got to spend some fun times with your kids and your grand kids!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Peanut said...

Happy thanksgiving!

-Lots of corgis,

ocmist said...

AMEN!!! God IS Faithful, and I know that though we go through tough times, we end up with more faith and some wonderful memories of things we wouldn't have done without those times. Our friends that are there to help us through are dearer, our pets give us insights into things God wants us to learn, etc.

Having a loving family is always a blessing, too! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I spent part of mine in the hospital, but overall, I still enjoyed some time with family. Linda

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Monica, I am so thankful that you have found the job you have been looking for, I am thankful that you never gave up, so many have just stopped looking and excepted the idea they will never find a job.
You are a dear lady and deserve to have a worry free life. Mr Wonderful has sure been a blessing to you.
Now go get them and show them what you are made of.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

He is so good! I am so glad that you have a job. Love your thankfulness!