Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Free Vintage Signs

I sure love my little chickens - and because they are on my mind, I've been fooling around with country chicken graphics and other vintage type signage. Hope you enjoy these and can find something to use --- have a great day!


Angela said...

How Cute!!!

Cathy Santarsiero, "The Christmas Corgi" said...

I like the little chick on the red one. Cuteness!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

I love 'em all! Thanks...you are a very clever, and talented gal!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Those are just precious! I especially love the little chick on the last sign!

Chatty Crone said...

I know just where I'd like to use that "Chicken Crossing". Thanks.

Keetha Broyles said...

I remember Fels-Naptha soap - - - my mouth was washed out with it on MORE THAN ONE occasion!!!