Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesdays' Show & Tail - Magical Mystical Corgis

I'm joining in Tuesdays' Show & Tail at West Virginia Treasures.  You can link in too, with any pet or animal stories and photos.  Go to Angela's blog to sign in, and visit the other participants to see what they've posted today!  Be sure to read her rules, and visit the other participants!
3-D Corgi
Many of you know that I am owned by a herd of Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs - all females - and one of each color!  They can be wild as the day is long, and are the subject of the note cards that I sell in my etsy shop, Classy Chassy.  I've gotten many questions on how I get them to "pose" for the photos, and let me tell you right now, that is no simple matter!  My girls are very active, and their attention is easily sent off in the opposite direction when they sense an upcoming activity, or when movement elsewhere is perceived!  I take many photos for one shot, and ALWAYS there are BLOOPERS!  There are the great shots, however, and these are the photos I use for my cards.  Corgis have a natural  beauty, spark, and a haunting look in their beautiful eyes that hits you like magic!
Welsh Corgi Dog - the Faerie Steed
"Pembroke Welsh Corgis are indeed a magical breed of dog, and legend has it that they once served as the trusted steeds to the Faeries in the woodlands of Wales.  If you look closely at a corgi's coat, you can still see the outline of the Faerie saddle on its back and shoulders."
 Have a Faery Magic kind of Day!


Angela said...

I agree with you Monica! Corgi's have such magically beautiful eyes! Jazz looks like she is talking to me with her eyes. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about with that. And Jazz does have the saddle on her back from where the fairies ride her at night! I've noticed that they have been riding her a lot lately because she has a smaller brown saddle now that is on top of her large black saddle. They must love her!

I agree with you about taking pictures of animals in general. Luck plays a major role in getting that perfect shot! You have taken a lot of great shots of your corgi's. Your cards are just beautiful!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I never knew that about Corgis, Monica! Thanks for teaching an old dog something new...:)JP

^..^Corgidogmama said...

As a fellow corgi mama, I too adore this breed. Jim said we can't have more corgi kids unless he moves out...and, frankly, I'm considering that option, hee hee.
Is it hard to have a herd of females in house? We've always feared that two gals wouldn't get along. Their saddles are so cool, Jake's is much more pronounced than Addie's though.

Peanut said...

It's pretty easy to pose Peanut but not in a costume!

Chatty Crone said...

I've never had a Corgi - but I love them anyway! sandie

ocmist said...

Another Corgi fan here, as you know. I agree with ALL of you and know exactly what you are talking about as you've all seen from the Corgi's blog. THEY DO tell the stories, and their expressions are just so ... EXPRESSIVE! What other word can describe it! They are just so perfect for any kind of artistic endeavor (writing, photos, drawing, etc.)

I could see where they would get the story about them being fairy steeds!

Your cards ARE beautiful, Monica!

DaCraftyLady said...

I love Corgis and your is just too cute ...yes luck is where its at when photoing an animal, they move so fast that you just have to keep clicking and hope for the best...wonderful shots.. :)